Sorry, can't seem to drop that subject.
Well the reason it was called a University Party and yet no one in our immediate circle knew about it, was because it was more like among the University exchange students.
Of course, there were locals here and there.

"OMG! Policewoman!" I say, laughing.
"WHERE'S YOUR ID!" She demands, baton swinging.

and the girl in the Picture's from PL. In the school uniform.
When I saw her through the window i was like,
Thank God I went!
I'm a sucker for vibes that are largely unlocal, and the furthest you can get away from Singapore, in Singapore, to party, is a party with exchange students.
I don't know why I still go for boys these days.
But oh wells.
It was insanely fun and lots of people dressed up.
(The slightly more boring ones were, ahem, local girls.)
The guys were fantastic though, in their dressing up.
I wasn't the only one in a schoolgirl outfit, but at least I didn't look like I rummaged through discarded clothes to get my clothes.
Saw this old PL girl from Bella's batch, who came in the uniform.
It was very very cute because she said she was going Old School so it was very clean and unskanky.
Gosh, I should have skankified my uniform and worn it. dammit.
I liked my outfit, though it was nothing compared to Bella and V's.
On top of the fact that their outfits were one of a kind, for sure, because Bella designed them and got them made.
Didn't bring a camera for pictures.
Considering what a camwhore I am, I really should invest in a decent, stuff-it-into-your-bra camera.
So anyhow,
I got gut pukingly drunk.
More than usual, I'll admit, because I didn't actually realize I was drunk until I was scrambling around on the wet grass thinking,
I had stuff caught in my hair, my boobs falling out and nettles (or something like them) latching themselves onto my skin (it hurt like a bitch by the way). The only way to get them out was by yanking the stem it was attached to.
I was scrambling around like bloody crazy and kept falling down the fucking hill like a bloody moron.
I've mentioned before, how I'd never wear my suede knee length boots out for a night of binge drinking. Even if it matches my outfit.
Because I'm too scared of ruining them.
Well, I decided to wear them last night and was worried that people might puke on them.
I didn't take myself into consideration.
And I, of course, didn't take into consideration the possibility of me breaking my heels in an attempt to run away/climb up a hill/ fall down and then climb up again.
I think I burst through the dance floor, giddy, with my skirt hitched too high and grass stains on my blouse to tell Vicky,
"Home, please Vicky, please. Home. Home."
Where by she started yelling at Marko asking what the fuck he gave me.
Back home, mommy had to pick splinter like things out of the patch where those nettle-like things had grabbed my skin.
I'm awake, with weird cuts and grazes that i do not remember getting.
But thank God my mother of all hangovers had my mommy to battle with last night and I just stood in the middle of the kitchen peeling off clothes and whining.
Fun Much!
I want pictures pictures!
Bloody hell,
I DID NOT take
I'm hoping for that handful from the photographer. Please pretty please.
Okay, me bloody tired!
Back to real life tomorrow.
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