It is ten in the morning on a beautiful day at Holland Village.
You can hear the cars, from this al fresco, Starbucks balcony, but it's not close enough for you to smell the exhaust and Traffic Jam annoyance(:
This is perfect.
Heather, Caramel Latte, Alone time, Eye Candy. Yum much!
Considering I slept at three this morning, I find it startling that I was able to be up at half past seven! (yes, all by myself!)
And i rolled around before my alarm went off at eight.
Ah, contentment.
So I settled in with my morning paper I did.
Reading about subconscious racism in America. (uh oh!) Which is worse than racism itself.
I ought to be off in a bit to go shop for my outfit for Saturday.
Classy, not skanky, Vicky emphasizes.
I am telling you, big boobs are a pain in the shitter!
Vicky and Bella can pull off skanky and make it look hot,
whereas I just make hot outfits look skanky):
Worse still, i make DECENT outfits look skanky on me!
Bloody hell.
I've to go a few levels down, don't I?
Perhaps dress up in a potato sack that does not have my tits falling out of them.
I am not for sale, dammit! Go away already!
I'm threatening to turn up in a Sumo Wrestler outfit and clamber onboard the bus and squeeze in beside Vicky in her cute little outfit.
She painted a (quite imaginable, I'd say) scene of her making out with me in a Sumo outfit while she's in her hot little number. Damn those boys be trippin', they be suicidal.
Tee hee.
I need to find something nice!
Nice and safe.
I told Vee I'd have to get dressed at her place, lest I get caught for indecent exposure the moment I step out onto my landing.
It would happen to be just at that moment that Mr and Mrs Kartithampieroompaloompa aka conservative-as-hell wander into their kitchen and sit in front of the telescope that just so happens to have a pair of binoculars at the end of it that just so happens to be aimed at my tiny apartment at a random spot that has a mirror that I just so happen to be standing in front of as I bend over to put on my shoes.
And if you can get fined for dozing off on a park bench in Singapore, where they want their parks to be relaxing and comfortable but insist that napping (even just by accident) is MISUSE OF FACILITIES, then I had better prepare a DAMN PRETTY POTATO SACK TO WEAR TO COURT.
With matching potato sack colored wedges of course, which I already have!
My Caramel Latte's gone cold so I should finish typing out my assignment and start shopping.
I'll need to find the place first though.
Diana Kings, right above Subway.
Maybe I'll settle for that nice little party shop that I passed on my way here.
You can't possibly go wrong if you're just wearing a plastic tiara and lipgloss, right?
But we'd better make that bloody nice, Nicole Miller -fifty-dollars-a-pop-lipgloss.
Come to think of it, I probably ought to buy one for Mrs Kartithampieroompaloompa too.
It'd do her good to attend those rainbow parties her daughter keeps inviting me to.
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