Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
The world needs to shut up-
I can hear it behind the songs I'm playing straight into my ears
Thursday, May 26, 2011
This Off-Day
Monday, May 23, 2011
Maybe in May, JuneSong

and then I was happy, because you do that a lot, make me happy. Very much so actually.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sunrays and Saturdays

We had an ikea date yesterday afternoon-
Friday, May 20, 2011
Into Dust

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
We spend our lives trying to figure it out
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Next Stop.

Why does it feel like this?
was always better with my hands and at lip crashing
Saturday, May 14, 2011
On love, sex and marriage

Friday, May 13, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
From the madness of this desk
1) There are things that are bigger than you and the things you're whining about
2) He said, you always have a choice, whether or not to let things bother you.
3) Sometimes, I don't know where you guys are or how to find you, or how to get to you. I miss you guys, and I'd really like to just sit around the pool and laugh at the crazy lady that lives on the third floor.
4) I haven't been feeling like I've been enough- in a lot of ways, in various situations.
5) I'm been running out of words with people. I've been running out of words with and for myself.
I'll go running later
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Dear Whoever You are
Why do you always fuck things up?
"I know, leave me alone."
"No. I'm not going to. Would you like to know why? Would you?"
"No I don't actually, I don't actually want to know."
"Because you need to know how mind-numbingly stupid you are- I want to laugh at you. I've been laughing at you, and I still want to. Gawd, seriously? Did you think that would actually work? Backfired now didn't it?"
"Just lea-"
"No, no I won't just leave it. Your actions are rather after-the-fact don't you think? I'm sorry, I still can't get over how stupid you are."
It's cold in the room. She crying, or she wants to. She can't tell anymore. And she can't turn away. She wants to bite into something, channel all that she feels into something that'll hurt. But she can't move, so she just grits her teeth instead.
"I'll fix it. I'm going to fix it."
"Really now, and how do you propose you'll do that, hmmm?"
"I don't know, but I just fucking will, okay? I'm fucking going to fix it."
"You'd better. You're running out of time little girl. You're running out of time."
Monday, May 9, 2011
What's the matter Mary Jane?
Somehow you have shattered my defence
You make me smile, make me whole,
Keep me safe, girl with you, I'm home.
You're perfect
It's the things you do, that make me fall hard for you.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Can't do anything right now can I?
And it is control.
I love how people figure they know how much or how little you feel. How it is so fucking easy to look at all the things I'm not doing as opposed to the things I actually am.
How it's just always easier to disregard how people feel or what people need.
How I'm always in the wrong, I'm always doing something that's wrong or not good enough or that could be/ could've been better.
How I'm just wrong. All wrong, period.
Friday, May 6, 2011
It's okay, you'll only disappear
"Because I need to, don't you understand?" Comes the reply, "because I have to, I must. Because I'm scared too but this is control."
"Do you want to stop?" She takes a deep breath, trying desperately to look the other in the eye. She can't though, so she let's her gaze slide away from the brown eyes that hold her and focuses on a collar bone. "Because," she takes another deep breath, "because it hurts. It's starting to hurt. Please?" Her eyes are pleading, her fingernails digging into the palm of her hands.
"I can't." The other says simply.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
yours to have
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
And all I'm feeling is this feeling
So the long weekend spent away from home drew to a close. Fell asleep before two, and switched my alarm clock off at five knowing that hers would go off in another 45minutes.
We had breakfast a little past half six in the morning. I like it- waking up early just for breakfast.
I suppose if everything went on forever then there wouldn't ever be things to look forward to. And anticipation does often make things more interesting. So yeah, it's a wee bit of a bummer but then, there's always things to look forward to. I happen to think I'm a pretty damn lucky girl(:
A pezzi
quite a few good morning Beautiful days this weekend(:
Mine was wonderful with you by my side
And when I open my eyes and see your sweet face
It's a good morning beautiful day
I'll never worry if it's raining outside
'Cause in here with you girl, the sun always shines
Good morning beautiful, how was your night?
Mine was wonderful with you by my side
And when I open my eyes and see your sweet face
It's a good morning beautiful day
A good morning beautiful day
Monday, May 2, 2011
I could spend a while
I think what I love about you is how, all these simple, quiet, activities that'd I'd do alone becomes, well, special when it's with you.
The normal-ness of it all, the quiet contentment- that's what you make me feel. That's what you bring to all these little things we find ourselves doing together.
That's how I've figured I'm rather in love with you.