So let's be quite honest here, I rarely put up these sorts of long, picture-filled posts. But I figured, this was a pretty eventful trip! So i weeded out the more fun, more picturesque ones, and thought I'd share them.
In the spirit of being honest, here's a confession-
I've got a soft spot for Perth.
Quite without meaning to, i fell in love and took absolute ages to recover. And then for a while there was the dreaming up pretty things, and looking up possibilities, but mostly, there was this holiday coming at us. And one we had planned for and looked forward to for absolute ages.
I often try to keep myself from being too excited and only succeed in failing miserably.
But anyway, it was quite a lovely, productive trip, and these are all the bits that don't involve me hiding in a bathroom and crying myself stupid.
I'm not saying it happened a lot, but what would holidays be without a couple of those, hey? I think one ends up happier, if one remembers to be sad every so often.
(cue wry laugh).
But enough of my inane nattering! Here are pictures (lots of them) and summaries of our time spent away-
This is us, on the plane, and ready for take off!
And the sight we were greeted with, upon arrival at Uncle Adrian's and Aunty Freida's.
and then, it was, GOOD MORNING COTTESLOE.
Easily one of the most beautiful mornings to wake up to. Sometimes I wake up now and am puzzled at how I don't feel cold. Or how I'm not smiling quietly to myself as I watch the sun peek out from rooftops.
We had a wander-about. (How couldn't we?)
But just for a bit. So that we could come back in time foooooor-
Aunty Freida's cooking. Which is pretty something, I must say. Not like we didn't already know this. But this time round it was like,
That evening...
We went to Sharon's where we hung out, talked and cuddled on the couch with
The next day, we headed into the city for our pancake fix-
Where we stuffed our faces, poked around in shops (can you tell we're not city people?) and headed off to meet Michelle and Talani.
Being us though, we had to find an empty playground, fiddle with the lock and go hang out on the swings for a bit.
After which, we made juice with Michelle's new blender, waited til five to open a bottle of wine, and headed home for more good food.
We left for Melbourne.
Now. Here's the thing.
I wasn't aware of the two hour time difference, and figured we could spend the six hours on the plane sleeping. Except of course it wasn't six hours, it was much shorter.
We turned up in Melbourne, in the wee hours of the morning, amazingly sleep-deprived, and settled for first breakfast
in our half-asleep state, before we met up with Bird (my bestest friend in theeee whole wideeee world), who woke up early for nomnoms with us.
Having needed to go off to study for exams though, she left us to go wandering about Victoria Market after brunch/ second brekkie
Where we bought a couple of things, saw lovely buys, shopped for groceries for the following night's dinner, and then walked back quickly so that we could crash out and fall asleep.
I can't say we saw a lot of Melbourne, which was a bit of a shame. But then again, we got to hang out and didn't rush around in an effort to see more of the place so... that was really okay with me, to be honest.
We went out that evening for
In a little tucked away place, that Melbourne seems absolutely full of.
Here's a tip if you're ever heading to Melbourne-
hook up with a local, because there are heaps of lovely little places like this one to go sit in. And there're places you wouldn't find, if not for someone who knows the nooks and crannies of the city.
Erika found a place, made just for her though!

Here, we grabbed a chilli dog for first brekkie while out on the search for second brekkie before meeting Erika's cousin.
Then we found second brekkie. This is Erika's "hmmm, which one of these many things shall I have!"- face.
And then, the above picture is just proof we hung out with Bird, despite her needing to go study for papers.
We had her over for Blue cheese and Gnocchi. It was yum- thanks to my favourite little chef(:
Quite quickly, we packed up out of our little one-bedroom apartment and headed off for Erika's riding lesson in Oakwood.
SO. On the coldest Melbourne Winter Morn in ten years, we walked across the road to pick up the car, faced appalling service, said nothing of it because we were too cold, too calm, too asian and too fucking cold, got a free upgrade, climbed into a Ford Focus and embarked on our journey to Oakwood.
All the while deciding that Melbourne might not be the place to be.
That is of course, until we hit this part of the drive-
After a long, long, long, long time (just kidding- it wasn't really aaaall that long),
we hit a dirt road.
I had been warned by Katie not to take dirt roads with Erika because the last time they went on one, they thought they would die.
But on one we went!
With this face-
During which I texted Uncle Ronnie and said,
"I think your daughter is trying to sell me. I don't know how many cows I'll get, considering I'm Asian."
To which he replied,
"a small herd! Especially once they find out you can make lasagna and all!"
But, the bumpy road did lead us to Oakwood-
Where Erika road, after about a month, in the freezing cold, and I hung out with Mini, the cat who looked like I owed it to him to let him cuddle on my lap.
It was nice, seeing Erika ride. Especially because I haven't in a while. I wondered how she was coping in the cold. (She told me she felt like passing out.) But well, from the stands at least, it sounded nice- a different sort of nice than what one is used to (at least from where I was.)
After Erika's ride,
we decided to go be tourists and went to Olinda Falls.
It was the most beautiful, scenic drive I've ever been on. Absolutely gorgeous.
To end up here-
Down winding roads, to Olinda Falls.
Where it was quiet and beautiful and picturesque and...
I give up. My words aren't doing it justice.
But it sure was beautiful.
After which we drove to Monash to go pick Bird up from her last exam (WHICH SHE PASSED! I AM SO SO PROUD OF HER OKAY!)
This is the racecourse.
Dude, if I had my exams here, I don't know how I'd ever freaking pass.
And that concluded our few days in Melbourne.
How exactly that trip ended could have been much better, but let's not go into that right now.
we were back in lovely Perth where it was a little less cold, a little less city-like, and lot more at-home.
We decided after that, to have date-night and take a walk on Cottesloe Beach(:
As it turns out, Northbridge during the day looks quite different from at night.
The weekend that followed Melbourne, we took a trip to The Hillary's with Michelle, Talani and Karen.

We woke up the next morning to a Sunday that looked like this-
And people ask me why I'm so in love with Perth!
Anyway, aside from going place to place, meeting with people and thinking about work, most of the rest of our holiday looked like this-
hanging out in pretty little cafes with the paper, an affogato for myself and a cappuccino for her
or hanging out on the couch napping, playing word games, reading scripts and being comfy.
taking in the prettiest looking places
hanging out with Lola
Popping into FreO for coffee
and more affogato
and chilli mussels + fish and chips
and taking in even prettier sights
I got to go to the concert of the one person I knew I'd always wanted to go for.
P!nk's The Truth About Love Tour was in town, and although (I'm ashamed to say), it did take a bit of convincing, I went.
I couldn't have possibly be prepared for how spectacular it was. And here's to all P!nk fans- if you're thinking about going to see her, don't think.
Just go for it.
Believe me, it is so, so, SO SO SO worth it!
Luckiest girl ever.
Our last night?
Hanging out with Lola, Uncle Adrian and Aunty Freida + eating good home-cooked food
+ sprawling on the couch playing word games
+ going to bed at 8:36pm.
It's official.
Luckiest girl ever(:
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