It's frightfully odd that, considering how much I write.
All these techhy things these days! Kym, he doesn't give me a reason to turn Kirsten on anymore!
(Don't I just make the loveliest excuses! hehe)
This was sunset at Tampines on Tuesday, with Vicky, as we raced off after watching Sex in the City 2.
It was, I'll have you know, my very first time watching Sex in the City, but I quite liked it and it wasn't as frivolous or as chick-flick-ish as I thought it'd be. Best of all, it was not cheesy.
It wasn't like, lovers splitting up and ending up together and what not.
It was just pure, laugh out loud, stupid, touching, bits and pieces, OMG-BABE-THAT-IS-SO-US-moments. Oddly enough, I found myself talking a bit during the movie.
But it was thaaat funny.
And i applauded like crazy when whatsherface (I don't even remember any names!) found herself in a crowd of religious men with her broken handbag and it's scattered contents of lots and lots and LOTS of condoms.
My days, they've been going quite nicely. It's been about a week and a half since I've been back and it's quite marvellous really.
I've tidied up the room, and finally, after fuck-long, I've moved the bed back to where it used to be. Where it was supposed to be.
Where it's always meant to be(:
I've got a new addition to my room too!
And because sometimes it's not nice to just go on and on and on and ooooon about well,
all the lovely things that happen in life, I will keep quiet for a bit(:

Each wine cooler holds 12 bottles.
I've got a stash in my room and mommy will have her wine cooler outside once the kitchen decided to magically give birth to elves that will help us clean up the place(:
I've had lovely catch-up time with Vee (although I wouldn't mind some more, honestly), a movie, a tiny bit of water time, beanbag & parquet floor + chess -time, family dinners (and two nights in a row too! :) ), pool time with Vee and Tanny, hobo-breakfast time which I find I have missed immensely and a bit of cuddle-time.
So all's been quite well, and I haven't minded it one bit really.
Despite having some of my 12-year-old ah lian language being read and all. Oh the horror!
Suffice to say, Charis Vera Ng has been quite, quite happy indeed!

there's been a few things we've been talking about of recent.
I've liked it, enjoyed it,
appreciated it- I think that's the best word I can come up with.
It's stirred up a couple of things I'd forgotten about or hadn't realized. Made me put to words, things I'd just mentally nodded my head at a few years back. And it's been nice.
The randomness of what we talk about, and then the unexpected depth (not because we're shallow but because sometimes you don't see it becoming so thinky-thinky) that's come with it all.
I realize that there's just so many things we seem able to talk about that it's incredibly refreshing.
Not only because we get to talk about the oddest, simplest, strangest things, but also because I find that I really like listening to all of it, and I also feel like the person on the receiving end of my natter isn't just about dying. It's nice because I can say something completely random and considerably weird/strange and not just have someone go,
I like it, I really do.
It's a shame, an impossibly huge shame at that, about the months that will swing round the corner and then eventully see me off.
But I'm not entirely a huge fan of being super thinky-thinky at three in the morning,
so I will take my leave-
and smile at the traces of you that you've left behind
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