It can't possibly that i'm especially against marriages right now and would much rather run off with my lesbian lover than come close to getting married in four years and a month.
This book was called My Three Husbands.
And it seemed a really good read at first.
Blimey, i even got past the half-way mark!
But ohmyfuckingshit, i felt like punching this girl's third husband. The one she only just got married to.
First of all, he's so bloody difficult to get along with.
Secondly, he keeps finding fault with her two fathers just because they're rich, eat foie fras and build a lovely resort out in the woods.
Okay, yes I'm not a huge fan of civilisation and i love the environment, but i can't stand extremists when they're so fucking annoying and can't let other people live they way the want to.
This one scene in particular, stood out.
He's rummaging through her purse for aspirin and finds,
quote "Candy. Cigarettes. All the consumer shit you can't live without." unquote.
Well go fuck yourself, roll over and drool.
Then it he takes out her contraceptives and chucks it at her saying,
"Well don't ever stop eating those."
I'll bet the character in the book isn't seething half as much as I am.
What in the Fucking World.
Why are all men (Gays, Victor and Enqing not included) such complete and utter PRICKS!
I felt like reaching into the book, ripping his head of his short body and using his own teeth to bite off his stubby dick. The character says it's stubby anyway so i don't see how she can have sex that is all that, like fantastic.
I endured about ten, maybe twenty more pages before i skipped round to the back, and then just got annoyed at the character herself and then chucked the book aside.
For fuck's sake!
She's gotten married three fucking times and she's all of twenty-five.
And i happen to think she's a downright stupid, nitwit.
She quit school, with no intent of ever going back just cos she wants to work, takes all three of her parents for granted, and can't tell one shitty husband from the next!
I hate that it's like every book i pick up seems to turn me more against marriage than anything.
No really, it's pissing me off no end.
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