This is Buttons. She curled up beside me and freaking draped her arm over mine.

I camwhored at one point in time (contrary to popular belief, I don't usually do that. I swear to God)
I camwhored because I was changing my haaaaaair!


And my hair now looks the same as when this picture was taken.

Dinner with Victor! (that's how bored he looks when he hangs out with me)

By the way, she is about to become an older sister!
Yeahppp, that's right folks. I am Da Jie x3!

MOMMY LOOKS DAMN CUTE! Except my hair looks better than hers.
Okay, not really. Her blue is still visible, after what, four months?

But the hair's pretty much the same.
So a litter of kitties have become Homer's next door neighbour for a while now.
This is one of them, at the top of the door, trying to get away (and getting stuck in the grill)

It was called Willowstream, a Fairmont spa. Located inside Fairmont Hotel.
They had lovely steambaths, saunas, warm jacuzzis, and a cold plunge.
They even had a rest-area. Because you know, getting your nails done, facials, hopping in and out of steambaths, they all get pretty tiring.
So you're allowed to nap here for as long as you freaking want!

Below: kitty cat I wanted to adopt but smelt of pee and kept scratching me!

TLC's idea of art.

We saw it in Taiwan.
Orkeh Dorkeh.
I am doing serious procrastination right now. I did my first Chhem assignment in fifteen minutes, and I've taken like, a week or something for my second one.
Well, hope this fulfilled your pic-cravings. Because I realized, I hardly ever upload pics((:
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