Saturday, December 11, 2010

We can't be liars if we want to catch the rest of the world out on their lies.

"I have dreams that you have no idea about."
"You have dreams that I have no idea about."
"I have dreams that you have no idea about."
"You have dreams that I have no idea about."

"There's a sparkle in your eye that wasn't there before today."

"I feel absolutely connected to you right now."
"You feel absolutely connected to me right now."
He fights the beginnings of a smile, and then gives in,
"I feel absolutely connected to you right now."

"There's a sadness in your eyes."

"You save people from themselves."
"I save people from themselves," she repeats obediently.
"You save people from themselves."
"I save people from themselves."
"But you'd sorta like someone to save you from you." Her breath catches, and she forces herself to take it all in as she looks back at me. Her eyes spark and fizzle within a half second, and she readjusts herself, breathes.
"I'd sorta like someone to save me from me."

"There are so many facets to you, and you wish people understood you better." She responds.
"There are so many facets to me, and I wish people understood me better."

Today we pushed past using our niceties, happiness and sugar-coated words as a crutch.
I called people out on things, and it was funny, post-Repetition, to have them try and validate themselves. Scramble for words to keep themselves together.
"I'm not saying you weren't genuine," I explained to Tony, "I never said that."
And I didn't.
But we also need to see that there're more sides to us than all this niceness. That we don't have to keep putting a positive spin on everything. That I might not have a fact, but the truth is in my conviction of it.
That I am perfectly capable of calling you out on things you do not want to hear. And I will strip it bare and stop finding a way to phrase it that will make it easier to swallow.
And that I only expect the same thing of you.

The easiest part of acting is playing a character. Fitting ourselves into someone else's skin, trying on personalities and traits for size.
The interesting bit comes, when you're willing to put yourself out there. But before you can do that, you need to know who's going to go up into the glare of those spotlights. Or it won't be any different from the last character you played.

Saturday, December 11th 2010

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