with my hair.
She's seems more crazy about it than me sometimes. haha
but it did make my day when she said my hair looked really nice,
especially cos i thought i looked like a huge white hippo (rare species indeed!)

Aren't my heart-shaped earrings just the cutest?:D
Enqing made them out of Coffee Bean stirrers and i made them into earrings! (all by myself!)
these pictures were taken at Spotlight where there's the whole LELONG LELONG SALE going on.
Bought a couple of stuff, which included a knitting magazine but i refrained from buying these very pretty pink things (yarn thingys, whatever they're called. it's for knitting), because i knew i just wanted to buy them cos they looked all pretty and not to mention, pink(:
I left only with a small handful and then went round in search for a place for dinner.
Decided on Swensens (my suggestion!) cos we haven't been there in like eons.
And my my myyyyyy!
Clearly, a year plus break from the restaurant has brought in changes which include an influx of cute waiters!
Okay, not really.
Only two were cute.
That's really a lot coming from me who has been so incredibly non-interestedo in anything, especially guys!
So this particular guy is really really reeeeeaaaally cute.
Freaking drool-worthy, i swear. It wasn't the chocolate fudge malt that i was interested in. In a very Esther-pretty way, he was cute. I even called Priz up to ask what Esther's brother's name was. No, it wasn't him of course.
Anyway, back to point!
This guy was like xhwgofhxkjaSxhlxjzoufhiwf!sklghal!dfklgih!-ly cute. This is like, an awesome first in a long while. I haven't been seeing guys of his caliber in absolute ages.
There hasn't been anyone this dishy since like, the dinosaurs roamed the earth and I was in a relationship!
Mom placidly pointed out that i see a dishy guy on a semi-regular basis.
True, i'll give her that.
But see, Enqing, even though he's dishy, [omg i just gave your head another reason to swell! hahaha ((: ] is like one of my two favorite guys in the world. The other is Victor of course! So that's completely different!
Anyway, he (who's name starts with D!) was awfully prompt in topping up our glasses with water and kept calling us m'am. ): You can call me Charis! hahaha. Whatevs.
I'll bet he's pretty new a this, and so, hasn't gotten tired of running around and still being really polite and friendly and cute when he sneezes.
OMG, yes!
He's super cute when he sneezes lah! And he was balancing plates while sneezing when mom said "Bless You" and we both mistook her for wanting the bill. hahahaha
Mommy took a serviette and wrote,
D! (his full name of course)
Call me! [inserts my cell phone number]
I grabbed it, turned it over and wiped my chocolatey mouth with it instead. hahaha.
The rest of the night seemed very odd, though it was definitely laughter-filled.
keeping my salivations to myself ; Probably just go back to seeing beng-ish looking waiters. ):
I cleared my entire day for
1) Reject Superstar at Ping Yi Secondary
2) English Exam at School (Tanjong Pagar)
3) Surgery in the evening
After the first was done, i moved on to my second major activity of the day. I was actually really looking forward to it. hahaha.
However, when I got there, I found out that I had scheduled it for next Thursday and not this Thursday. That's a first innit?
Getting all hyped up for an exam too early.
That aside, I met up with mom who was heading to Raffles for a free facial at some unknown place which was celebrating its Excellent Service Award.
Clearly there must've been a mistake because i watched my mom, who was originally in a good mood, get all irate and sweaty and pissed off.
Well yes, I would be too.
We walked round in fucking circles and they were unable to tell us their location even though we told them every single landmark.
It was near China Square (Chinatown) but they insisted that the station was Raffles Place.
Granted, it's a walkable distance, but it'd be even closer from Chinatown! Dimbats!
They didn't wanna throw in a second free facial for me so I waddled off to TCC just like i had planned to from the start (even before running circles like shit heads).
Grabbed magazines, today's paper, a Peach Me Up and wedges; Charis Vera's all set to kill two hours.
It is my favourite chill out place after all.
I even started out on two new songs!
How inspiring TCC is(((:
Oh yes, I also found out that the private clinic i go to doesn't do minor surgeries.
So basically, i couldn't do it today.
Which basically explains why i ended up at spotlight, resulting in us having dinner at Swensen's, resulting in the sighting of uber eye-candy, resulting in excessive drool time, resulting in bumping into Pastor Andrew and wife, resulting in a half hour more at Starbucks, RESULTING IN, meeting Aunty Kheng Mui at Dohby Ghaut Station where i think she's figured out that my pawprint tattoo is real. hmm.
That's my day in a nutshell actually.
I could've done that from the start but then, it wouldn't have held your attention for long now would it? Not that this is doing any better. hahahaha.
I really ought to go for surgery asap though.
My scars hurt like a freaking bitch.
It hurts when I stretch/bend/relax/tense up/shudder/shiver/have goosebumps/ yawn/ sneeze/ cough/ lean/ don't lean/ get brushed with a feather.
Yes, that's how bad it is.
We were just on the phone:
EQ: Okay my phone is low on batt
Me: WHY! hurry go charge!
EQ: It's gonna die anyti-
Line goes dead.
Soon would've been an understatement dear. hahaha
So what i've been busy with?
Of recent, well,
Assembly shows, new students, studying Nursery Mandarin to teach Da Bin, Assignments, Strawberry Blended Tea, Song writing, preparation for the gig in May, Keeping my room tidy and keeping smelly feeties (including my own) out of it.
I love my room now!
Though as Victor quite rightly pointed out;
If you have time to tidy up you room it means that your time isn't taken up by another.
In other words, it means that there's no one who gonna see your new tidied up room anyways.
Freaking tired now
I've spent the last two hours blogging. How do i even manage!

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