So I pulled my feverish self slowly and carefully out of bed this morning and made the dangerous, wobbly and unsteady trek to the bathroom. After stuffing my face with non-drowsy meds and showering, I crawled back into my room wondering if it'd be too much to ask Ross if we could possibly combine classes today.
Not so that she could take over my class but so that I could facillitate without having to talk.
I figured it'd be a bit unfair on her and resigned myself to the possibility of passing out in front of twenty children.
Then at 7.30am, right before yanking my top on, I got a text from Ross saying that there weren't Kranji classes this week.
Today, I am free.
God just amazes me like that.
But since Kirsten (the new computer that I've got on loan from Veektor) was already on, because I'd double, triple-checked schedules, I ended up replying Justin's email and having a quick breakfast with Mommy.
It's a good day today, besides being so sick, simply because of how it started.
Two phonecalls made my day.
So many things are falling through and I feel like I just need to start packing already, even though I honestly ought to be more focused on finishing subjects instead.
Back to being ill, I've slept, I've woken, I've taken meds and my temperature is NOT dropping. In fact it actually feels worse right now. I literally feel like I might collapse and there's just so much that I have to do this week.
I loved our little dinner thing for D's birthday last night, and as I looked at all our godawful warped pictures that actually can pass as quite cute, I realized that we hadn't had any alcohol to go along with it. I think D had a beer while waiting the 120430 0000434 years for us but that probably wasn't very much anyway.
So wow, birthdays without alcohol? Birthdays spent smearing cake on our faces and looking at skank dot com pictures?
Maybe we are growing up after all. And there's something just a tad bit sad about that now.
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