Can I have this for Christmas? ((:
So every year we hit that bit, a couple of weeks right before Christmas.
We scurry around like hamsters with foodies in our mouths looking for places to unload our hoard of nuts. In our case, it's all the one dollar coins we've been saving up in our piggy bank which isn't really a piggy bank but a brown dog named brownie, (named after the skin colour of one of your best friends, who gave it to you a couple of Christmases ago), and the places to unload our hoard of nuts are a row of cashiers and check outs and tip-boxes of smiley salesgirls in santarina outfits.
We go shopping.
There's a list, stuffed somewhere between a receipt and a glow-in-the-dark condom which we unfold and refold and unfold and refold until the Christmas shopping is done, and the list is checked off.
But then, that's the easy bit.
Because while you're on that two-week shopping spree, you've to think up of a list of things your friends can get you for Christmas.
Swear to God, I'm not doing the whole "oh I don't want anything for Christmas" because that is soooo not true. I absolutely loooove presents and getting surprises and tearing open packages and smiling at the note it comes with and thinking about the thought that went into it.
HOWEVER, I don't actually want-want anything.
It's a toughie to explain but well, I don't want things because I either get them after much thought and consideration OR I talk myself out of it. There's a stream of stuff that I'll never get enough of, of course, but I don't go pining about something for ages and ages and ages (like half a million years about how goooorgeous those red hot heels are. I just get them, dammit! and pay mommy back later, in an eternity or so)
Last year was fantastic because my list (which I should go look about for, right about now) had me thinking long and hard. But even better, was that my close friends got me really sweet stuff.
Like Paddy got me my gorgeous pink fluffy bedroom slippers which I ONLY wear when my feeties are clean. (((:
And those are usually matched with my insanely cute RED La Senza jammies from The Little Creature. SO SO IN LOVE OKAY.
And it wasn't on my list, Vicky got me this gorgeous tealight holder which casts sexy red glows in my room. It looked most beautiful complete with princess net and all. In fact I've packed it and can't wait to put it up!((:
Or like for my birthday this year, my two favourite boys bought me this gorgeous Aldo wallet in RED and I've been in love with it for the longest time.
And four Christmases ago, my mommy bought me this leather bound bible from LA with my name embossed on it. The reason you don't see it is because I'm a bit crazy and keep it in absolute pristine condition and only use it at home when I actually use the bible.
I have a list of absolutely fantastic presents from birthdays and Christmases and they keep going on and on. (Please don't feel sad if I didn't mention your present!)
But the best thing about most of them, is that they weren't things I asked for.
Which I personally find fantastic because some of the things I put on my Wishlist are churned out in the moments of "oh yea, I'd like this and haven't managed to get it". Like, an entire list of books, for example.
There are also things that I'd like but which I'd rather my friends and family NOT buy because 1)It'd be a major indulgence, 2)It won't fit into the under-$20 spending cap, 3)I would be so astounded that I would start wailing like a walrus if someone over-spent like that on me, AND 4)IT WOULD NOT FIT INTO THE UNDER-$200 SPENDING CAP.
Right now I can't actually think of something I want that's super extravagant but I think at the time of my birthday and was quite set on a Nano. I've talked myself out of it though. It'd be nice, but it isn't something I really need.
So that's me, when I'm thinking about wishlists (others' as well as my own).
Okay now you'll probably be like, fucking hell, so is she going to bloody tell me what she bloody fucking wants, or not?!
Either that or you've given up reading altogether.
Well here goes.
This is what NOT to get me for Christmas
random table ornaments/ decorations that don't serve a purpose (love and appreciate them but absolutely no space)
animals (rented apartment)
your first kiss (cos i'll feel bad)
clothes, unless it's undies (cos i'm fat and might not fit)
a blind date
super duper incredibly expensive stuff (I will unleash my walrus wail on you, I fucking swear)
This is a list of stuff that one can never get enough of
-Shoes (I'm a size 39/40 = 8half/9half)
Flats, Gorgeous-to-die-for-heels, custom made ten-inch heels. TEEHEE
If they're cute, I'll love them(:
Speaking of which, I hope I'll get to find the cutest pair of knickers in LA. The ones which have MRS. GEORGE CLOONY printed on the back.
I will go out in those pink knickers, a see-through long blouse and six inch heels and make you want to run me over with a skate scooter!
PS: I'll prefer cute knickers to shoes cos I can lose weight to fit into them but I can't chop off my tootsies to fit shoes.
The list of stuff that I'd love but can't find and will scream with joy if you can find it
- One of Anna Sui's first perfumes. It's purple and black, squarish/rectangular shape and comes in a purple box. I think it's been discontinued.
The list of stuff that I would really like for Christmas
Something that you thought up of and picked out yourself. Okay, I get that if we're not that close, I shouldn't expect that.(:
Otherwise, something you think that I'll like, something that you looked at and thought "hmm, C would like this". Something that doesn't leave you scrounging for food in dustbins (please ah, I really mean it), something that will make you smile to think of me receiving it(:
I'm sorry if it sounds too fairytale-ish. I'm not fantastic with Christmas presents either I'm afraid, but picking something off their wishlist is usually a last resort.
The list of stuff that I really really want for Christmas
For all you darlings back in Singapore to have a fantastic Christmas and New Years.
I'm also really hoping that there won't be anyone who ends up drinking too much and staring out the window.
To have a lot of fun on my trip, especially on Christmas and New Years.
A baby (will adoption processes take too long? cos I might just adopt a kid over there! kay, maybe not)
Time to myself to sit and stare blankly into the cold weather and think about you guys back here.
I want Christmas to last more than one day. Just a week would be nice.
I should also probably point out (and on my blog, no less, so you get embarrassed!) that I don't want Victor to set up my entire room while I'm away. One of the reasons is because I really do love doing it (:
Cute little elves who don't necessarily wear green should also be banned from revamping my new apartment/ helping to tidy up (cos that would make me really embarrassed). tee hee!
This is starting to edge me towards a rant leaning more towards New Years resolutions so I'd best leave you to shaking your fist angrily at the screen/my blog page.
all my love!
You joker ok. Talk so much abt you don't want dont knw what for christmas... AND THEN YR LIST IS THE LONGEST HAHA. I mean, you got this that this that ahhahaha.
meet up soon pls?
sry but i couldn't read pass the "princess net" part that reminded me of the time that fuking "beautiful" "fairy-like" "girly" shit actually dropped on you in the middle of the night. HAHAHHAHA PRICELESS
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