Thursday, June 30, 2011
At your beck and call

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Curled up under a blanket, heavy with tomorrow's promises
No matter how far away from you I might have felt during the day, we'd come back home together and manage to fix it before falling asleep.
I might've been more tired, and gone to bed first. You might have felt like watching telly after dinner.
And I'd crawl into bed first, tuck myself in, and leave one of the bedside lamps on for you for when you came to bed. You'd come in, just a bit after me, with your glass of water which you'd leave on the make-do table on my side. Turn out your light, and climb into bed.
Then you'd reach for me, curl yourself against me, nuzzle my ear and say goodnight. And I'd find myself leaning into you, and mumbling goodnight.
Somehow or other, from that, we'd always manage to end up talking. It might start off a tiny bit groggily at first, but we'd talk. And we'd be honest. And we'd find that we're okay.
And we'd fall asleep tangled up in each other, content and warm.
I miss that.
I miss that because it could have been the most fantastically wonderful day, or it could've been rather hectic, or it could've been tiring, or it could've been nice and comfy- but whatever it was, however our days turned out, at the end of all of it, we'd come through the front door together, take off our jackets and boots, say hi to the cat, find time for ourselves, find time for family, and find each other again.
And I liked that. I like that.
Feels like I'm home, with you. And I like that feeling.
And I like that we'd fall asleep to the thought of tomorrow. And I loved waking up to you pulling me closer, hearing the wind outside and catching the sun rise.
I always have loved waking up to you.
Just like I've loved coming home to you, or coming home with you.
Just like I've loved doing the simplest things- curling up on the couch and watching movies, planning our days, picking out outfits.
Just like I've loved having coffee in quiet streets, or sitting and watching the rain.
Just like I've loved knowing-
that I'm home, with you.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
The paper and pencils have been packed.
Here's the problem-
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Set fire to the rain
Opting to eat my breakfast on the side of the road, facing the office, as opposed to sitting inside the Hong Kong Cafe was a good call.
I've ended up watching the sunrise over breakfast. And that's always quite nice.
There's something wrong, I believe, when you're driven to a point where picking the wrong set of keys out of your handbag makes you want to cry. And not because you're in a rush or anything either.
I know I'm being a baby about things, and I sorta wish I hadn't brought it up last night. Isolated and self contained, none of what's going on for me is too overwhelming, really. And my sure, the things I have on, they don't take up entire days. But if you have three 2 hour slots filled in your day. That's six hours gone- and we haven't even begun on travel time yet.
And sure I can pack and move in two hour slots, but while I'm doing that, I'm also planning how to transit into my next two hour slot with something else scheduled.
I'm tired.
And so, I said so.
And no, none of what's going on is faaantastically important or SO big that I can't deal with it. But all the same, I'm tired.
I'm tired because, when I sit down, biting my lip, figuring out what to pack next and how- I feel bad.
When I stop for food, I feel bad.
When I stop packing to go out for rehearsals or just, work, I feel bad.
When I'm packing, less so, but I think of what else I ought to be doing too- like filling out applications, doing laundry. Basically, I take breaks by doing other things on my to do list.
So yes, I know what needs to be done.
And yes, I'm taking active steps and doing things.
And yes, maybe it's not quite as bad as I make it out to be.
And yes, I'm being a baby about all of this.
It's just that, well, I suppose it'd be nice to wake up and go out and not want desperately to be hit by a car so that I can be bedridden and forced to stop. AND THEN feel bad for even thinking that because all I'm thinking is, "but then who's going to pack and do all those things I'm supposed to be doing?"
Like I said, I'm not troubled and it's not a big deal. But all I want to do is curl up under my bed for a bit and cry.
Verity, look what you've done now!
Find me
Friday, June 24, 2011
I can't keep up with your turning tables
Somewhere on the outside, waiting
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
for a heart worth a-breaking
I was going at it as mommy drove me to and from the audition at the Esplanade. That one didn't go brilliantly I don't think.
I don't know- I never think I make fantastic impressions. For someone who's mostly be in theatre, and for most of her life at that, I'm very small.
That's why I'm also very boring to watch when I sing live, in my opinion that is.
But anyway! I digress!
I took mommy to Max Brenners. Mmm(:
And then I assaulted her with my Uke-plucking all the way home. Y'know as she drove/ got stuck in traffic/ shook fists and flipped people off. Okay naw, it wasn't really that bad. The drive back I mean. I'm not sure about the uke-playing, but I was happy(:
I found out that my Plinth guy is actually a Plinth woman! So that's funny.
I'm really really REALLY happy that I'm getting a Plinth laid down in my loo. And that I got that sorted out myself too(: so they'll come in on Saturday and take all day. Need to sort out the schedule with the family, come to think of it.
So anyway, I'm off for dinner now.
And noodoos are on the menu. I likey.
On my way home(:
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
The way she says Yes
Turning Tables
Post holiday blues
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
In the empty aisles of walmart
Monday, June 6, 2011
But realizing again, it makes me smile
excited like a hamster
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Something we haven't done for a while
But this lovely, thunderstormy Sunday morning proved to be the loveliest unplanned surprise in a very long while.
After, I even managed a spot of shopping! And I am sooooo happy with my buys! I haven't been this happy with my shopping for a while, I like it. The happiness I mean. Well, and what I bought.
Of course the fact that I had to get something in a Small (which hasn't happened in absolute years) added to this generally happy feeling(:
Sunday crowds don't make very good movie company but- I REALLY LIKED X MEN.
Whoop! And I'm not complaining about my movie date either((:
I am a very happy bunny today.