After nights of dreaming of buying a particular pair of shoes from Aldo (they weren't these babies though and didn't look HALF as good),
i finally went down to Raffles City's ALDO.
Okay i had two main reasons to go down to City Hall.
The first, was to go visit Bird while she was workiing and
The second (I swear it came as second priority) was to check out Aldo. ESPECIALLY if i went down and didn't get to see her/ talk to her.
After spending a very fruitful late afternoon studying at one of my favouritest places to study- Raffles Place- i went down to City Hall for precisely that.
Well i DID see Bird, though i didn't get to talk to her (i must have looked so stupid, looking like i was oggling at a random uniformed person with white-ish hair sticking out from her little chef's hat).
After that, i went from one end of the basement to the other, desperate to find Aldo.
i thought i was going absolutely crazy because i couldn't find it at all. I did in the end, the moment i went upstairs though. haha.
Stupid me.
I checked out shoes and whatnot (like zomg, 49-dollar Aldo heels? unheard of!)
and finallyyyy reached for the familiar (the others were still at 200-dollars and all).
The Familiar, was well, familiar, because twin has them. And they look fantastic.
I tried on a size that was supposedly bigger, but due to the very tight cut, it was an absolutely perfect fit.
I freaking swear, match-made in heaven.
I signed for them and these babies are now mineeeee!
And yes, i paid 97 bucks for them while twin paid like $195. I'd feel shitty, but weeeeell, she still looks fab in them anyways so what the hell.

They're six-inchies! ((((:
Okay, well not really as i've just found out. They're more like hmmm five and a half inch.
I was a tad disappointed when i whipped out my ruler (i'm the only one who does that).
But close enough, and at least i won't die from the height.
In case you didn't know, it's basically thirteen centimeters dearie.
Complete and utter perfection.

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