They call this nostalgia. Or do they? This was my fourteenth birthday. Shit i look like a kid.
Sunday's party was great.
I'm sorry about the mess we made baby vee.
Just one of them reasons to quit; A good thing.
Okay, the party was both good and bad on different fronts.
One was the mess we made in the balcony, I really am terribly sorry Vee.
Another was the insane noise we made and Vee having to clean up the room.
We were also quite officially out of alcohol at eleven thirty which was just a tad bit sad, if you know what i mean. On top of that, instead of getting high and happy most of us were veryvery sober.
haha. Perhaps because eme was slapping so much sense into us. hahah. It wasn't really that bad, not really. We just had to pick out safety zones in different parts of V's room.
It was good because well, we got to hang out together. And that always proves more important than everything else.
So Dolly stayed over and, even though she planned on leaving at 6am to get a cab home (she lives in the block next to daddy's) we ended up sleeping in til past noon. Which was fantastic of course. haha
My day didn't go to waste, thankfully.
I went down to Coffee Bean at Bishan to study and was, a while later, joined by Victor and Enqing.
Post dinner involved walking around abit and getting home soon enough before the activation of random search parties along the streets. hahaha
Heather is staying over at Victor's place right now.
Gosh. My baby's first sleepover. She's growing up):
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