Roomful of Blues (say it, go on: roomfulla booze)
That's where we headed last night, after church and supper. We wanted to catch a movie but we missed the last screening of I Am Legend. tut.
Nonetheless, we brought Enqing to
theplaceikepttellinghimaboutthathejustabsolutelyhadtogoto aka Roomful.
As we always do, we enjoyed ourselves, each other's company and FABtastic music.
Right before church, Enqing and i went on a shopping spree for him though i did buy something for Janice. (I LOVE THE VEST BY THE WAY. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT, THANK YOU<3 )
We walked around parco for a bit before giving in to what was plain obvious from the very beginning: BUGIS STREET, DUH
Spent most of our time pushing through people, body against body and, in some cases, smelling not so nice smells.
I suppose there's no point denying what a shopaholic i am and the little highs i get at a new purchase; Whether for me, for someone else or if my opinion's included in someone else's buy.
So clearly, i was quite happy as we moved from shop to shop to shop, passing familiar bits one too many times and unfamiliar bits too few.
Already, it is a tad clear where at least a little bit of next month's pay cheque is going into. tsk.
What an awful awful habit of mine. It's only thirteen going on fourteen days into the month and i'm thinking about next month.
When i was in PL the other day, watching students move from canteen to dinky minimart to bookshop where they buy only essentials and bare minimum and already consider that a bit of a shopping spree, i sort of missed those days.
Those days when i lived on like twenty-five dollars a week and didn't shop and didn't have any kind of life whatsoever.
Shame, no?
That we grow up to earn more and worry more and shit around more. heh
what nostalgia for the old days.
Gosh i feel disgustingly old though i know i'm really not. I'm horribly lazy and slow moving. Like, too lazy to over analyse stuff and talk about it. All i want these days is decent coffee and space to breathe. Space to enjoy the poisonous fumes from the asses of diesel-using vans.
Oh yes, by the way, and don't you dare scoff,
I've quit smoking- again.
I should be doing it for myself and that's what i'm trying to do. Yay me.
Now, just have faith.
Today was great. Church was lovely, i sang and it didn't kill the world. Luncheon was fab too because it was japanese and you know how i love japanese.
Met Calvin Fong and a couple of others from CMC who i was never that familiar with but oh wells. He's bald now, in NS.
Gosh now, doesn't time fly.
A bit strange but it wasn't so bad.
Went for auditions with twin where we were made to wait absolute hours.
There was a whole bunch of grotesque ah lians there who i doubt will make it. But then again, i don't think twin and i will make it either.
i can't dance for shit):
I've said it before, and i'll say it again! My friends are all fab dancers, while i don't have to dance cos i'm the group skank.
okay, i'm not really a skank. It's just well, i don't dance.
qing was ill this morning, poor thing, and ended up skipping church.
Silly boy, you don't look after yourself properly!
We've got an event coming up to practice for. yay(:
Do you know what scares me, like a lot?
When i find myself going into a day, with next week's schedule running itself through my head.
I'm quite close to dying, doesn't sound too bad an idea.
Slumber party tomorrow!
we shall all paint each other's toenails and watch movies and cuddle and have sex.
I'd like to be a penguin,
with a very clean tummy!(:
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