Sunday, September 27, 2009

If it were up to me, i'd do the exact same thing to you

Ner just sent me the most shocking video, ever!
It involves these boys coaxing a tiny, frightened kitten out from a car and stroking it. Now I thought they were being nice. I get so sad when strays run away from me because they're scared I'll hurt them.
So this kitten got coaxed out, got stroked and petted, and then one of the guys kicks it with such full force (plus he was wearing basketball shoes) that the kitten flies a couple of meters and slams right into a CONCRETE wall, afterwhich it scampers off.

I do not understand this.
It's not just simply a case of being unkind or mean because it's there. They deliberately and purposefully went out of their way to coax the tiny kitten out from under the car, video the entire thing and then send it flying a few metres at full force.
How? How do people go out of their way to be so cruel? So incredibly fucking cruel!?

I'm not internet whiz, but if someone, anybody out there reading this knows how, could you please somehow save the video? I don't know, download it or something.
I've reported it to IC3, which forwards the reports to whichever jurisdiction it falls under. At the same time, I want to report abuse to facebook. However, once I do that, the content will be flagged, the video removed and the evidence gone.

I'm not being a drama queen here, and this may all seem over the top. But please, if you know of any way to save the video and get a copy for yourself, please do it and send it to me.

It seems so incredibly impossible for such assholes to exist. And I hope he gets fined and his bastardy anus thrown in jail for doing such a thing.
Go get someone to send you flying against the wall if it gives you such a fucking thrill. You go ahead and have that done to you.
Why do it to such an innocent, helpless little thing?

You disgust me, Marvin Morvan.

btw, you can find him on facebook and youtube.
I'm not like, saying you should bombard him with insults and curses and death threats, but you know, what you do in your free time ain't none of my business.


Anonymous said...

maybe u shd record the video using your cellphone's video cam or your digital camera if you've got one. not the best way but well, no other choice is there.


Charis Vera said...

omg! brilliant! imma update the report!