My Friday was a very nice a fulfilling one.
Even though my Monday teaching was cancelled, i used my time to the full;
A bad habit that i've picked up with my busy days.
I get jittery, you see, when i have unplanned unfilled time. I feel like i have to be doing something.
So i did the laundry, made half-baked attempts to tidy my room somewhat, hung up two sets of clean laundry, went down to mediacorp and back home again (in the same cab)-
all this, before my day properly started at half past 2 in the afternoon.
I left home at that time, to meet Jolyn at Kembangan where we were to go to Jeff's place to film the Newscaster bits for News Four.
Enqing joined us later and we spent the entire afternoon- into dinner time-
filming, voiceover-ing, and doing bits of rehearsing.
Time, simply put, was well spent.
Jolyn's dad was awfully nice and dropped us off right opposite church, even though it was a tad bit out of the way.
Thus began the two major events of Friday, March 14th 2008-
Enqing and I recorded our first demo with the amazing help of Victor and his brilliance at figuring out random stuff. As well as the undying support of my two greatest, and perhaps only, fans- mommy and Janice.
The latter supported by falling asleep on the super comfy sofa in our coffee area.
Recording was tough in that, we'd do an entire song together at one shot, and in one full take.
So we pretty much left no space for screw ups, unless we wanted to piss off either one of the three of us (like i did) by bursting out in laughter mid way through the song. haha
That aside, we decided to record Mist and i, believe it or not, found it tough.
Funny, that.
In fact, earlier in the day i thought smugly to myself how the song couldn't be recorded that well and would definitely not have its essence captured because I no longer felt the way i did when i wrote the song.
Yet, though i might not still be desperately in love with this person anymore, i found this tsunami of emotions.
Before i could completely comprehend the thoughts, and the reactions my body was giving, I found myself needing to take short breaths and keep from crying half way through the song.
And not tearing-crying mind you (which was what happened during second take), but actually, crying-crying. Crying that started during the last chorus and could be heard through my words.
And then, after that,
we had to do it again.
But i pulled through, didn't I? I'm strong(er) and think that, impossible as it sounds right now, i might just be giving my patchwork-heart away all over again. At the risk of it getting ripped to pieces along the lines of the old scars.
the recording of Mist turned out to be not so fantastic soooo (Vic and Enqing, please don't kill me) i hope i'll get to do it again.
The songs are all in the sidebar to your right, just in case you haven't noticed it just yet.
I'll be meeting up with someone later on in the week in order to arrange our gig at the Esplanade.
You guys totally have to come man.
We wrapped at about eleven and I went off to meet the darling at MS, Twelve dollars away.
I didn't know it was a club party but at the end of the day:
We waltzed into Veno Veno across the road, sat on lovely black sofas, drank fantastic wine, swapped gossip/secrets/sex shizz, cam whored, whored, broke two wine glasses and got pissed drunk on three bottles of wine.
How fantastic.
I do agree though, we had a lot more fun where we were than if we were at the party.
I'm sure the party was fantastic, but what we had was quality time.
Irreplaceable by a mile.
After we broke the final wine glass, we left as the others spilled out of Martini Firm.
I didn't even know it yet, but I was drunk beyond drunk.
Sat beside a girl in a sweet spotted dress who looked a bit wasted, and asked if she was okay.
Found out later that she was Sam and also found out, that I wasn't all that sober.
Everything blurred in front of me and i stumbled around blindly for a bit.
Threw up a couple of times.
Was fucking famished (it was about four already) but didn't eat cos i found myself throwing up and after that, sitting beside Sam, Geran and Dom on the steps as Sam had rice and soup while some friend of hers told her she was gonna get fat on them carbs.
How ironic actually-
Vee and I were saying how likely it was for eme to get drunk and that one of us would have to look after her. And in the end, it was sort of the other way around. hahaha.
Paul joined us for prata, after Zool ran off in a cab with an unsympathetic cabbie who demanded that we pay or he'd drive Zool to the police station.
Crawled into bed at half past five in the morning, thus concluding a long-awaited, much needed night out.
I felt immensely better after porridge for lunch (Thanks Enqing, lifesaver as always!)
Like honestly, a looooooot better.
The wonders of the "sick food" mommy used to feed us with eh.
i've kind of got a craving for porridge now actually.
Today's rehearsals were fine, blocking has been sorted out which is fantastic.
But the best thing about todayyyyyy
After two and a half hours, we finally finally picked out a comparitively dirt cheap yet superbly cute dress for myself for tomorrow. And Enqing has the perfect outfit to match or rather, complement.
all that happens tomorrow is
a spa and steambath in the mornning, hairwash in the afternoon and hopefully i'll get to squeeze in a pedi cos i halfheartedly sloshed on silver splashes only for the fashion show.
My word, I'm so incredibly excited for tomorrow.
Absolutely can't wait and i hope that it'll go down fabulously!
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