"I don't want you to date other people. It may not be enough for you, but I'm trying here so I don't want you to date anybody but me. That's it. Except, I'm scared as heck to want you, but here I am, wanting you anyway. And fear means I have something to lose, right? And I don't want to lose you."
- Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy
Perhaps we're all that little bit insane, dying on the inside and putting on a false front.
Maybe you've killed the person inside you, scratching to get out, and maybe you haven't. Maybe you've let the rest of the world kill him/her for you instead.
Fool, aren't we all lies.
Crying messes of tear soaked pillowcases and mascara stained teddies.
Colored sand that's been eaten away by potassium promangenate, even though,
it really did just look so terribly pretty.
Only at the beginning though, right? Only at the beginning.
And we've got the rest of our lives to screw around-
Who knew that the world could set itself right again love?
Cannonball kitties and too many pretties,
featherlight, you dance and swirl and
God forbid,
I am tired, but happy at the thought of tomorrow.
And of course, rather excited about my Birthday Dinner.
After Paddy gets hers tomorrow, everyone (save for bird, who's not available, and twin) would've had their invites.
I don't have a dress though.
Let's see, ought i completely throw Enqing off-guard and turn up in something green or blue?
Just fucking shut up charis, haha.
This is my To-Do List:
1) Shop for perfect dress
2) Check corkage prices
3) Pick up IC from mediacorp
4) Finish assignment asap
5) Get rest
7) think of a wishlist
Yea, okay um, i've been asked what i want for my Birthday aaaand
honestly, i don't really think about it. hahah
What i do want (besides a Porshe and a one way ticket to LA) like a lot a lot,
is a matching bedsheet and duvet set.
(sorry eme, i told the world)
But it's superbly easy getting me presents because, as cliche as it sounds,
i've always felt the entire thing you've gone through to get me a present (even if it's like, a random book in mandarin) is special and would mean something to me.
If you're annoyed at me right now cos i'm not giving you any ideas, here's what NOT to get me. Least we're starting somewhere right?:
random table ornaments (love and appreciate them but absolutely no space)
animals (rented apartment)
your first kiss (cos i'll feel bad)
clothes, unless it's undies (cos i'm fat and might not fit)
a blind date
that's half the battle won! haha.
I'm a sucker for books, bossanova, jazz, instrumentals (saxaphone).
Sappy romantic soooo
yea, pretty easy for you to get me stuff.
Think bimbo for like, five minutes.
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