Sunday, April 19, 2009

"no," she says, "because I'm not really here"

"will you remember to love me?"
"I suppose I could fit that in somewhere after squeezing my blackheads and being a dickhead."


Well, it's the start of a new week.
Some are heading back to school and others are going on about their lives and feeling utterly miserable about it.

There's just so much to do this week.
I ought to go on weekend trips more often, because it prompts me to have my shit wrapped up before i go bumming off to enjoy myself.

Anyhoos, the last couple of weeks were a bit of a bummer because it took me like half a million bloody years to finish an assignment because I was sick out of my skull. I walked around like a half dazed moron and kept throwing my head back during my Tuesday class to keep my snot from dribbling out and only succeeded in giving myself a major headache.
Good grief!

My little girl has been an absolute angel of recent!
Save for the early six,seven am wake up calls she gives me by pushing my weird bottles of stuff onto my face and nipping at my toes. Gosh, i can't wait to bring her over with me next year and have her be all fat and fluffy because it's coooold.
And because she's SUCH a darling, you absolutely CANNOT help feeding her treats every twenty seconds! I kid you not! But she's awfully skinny because she jumps about like mad. Umi says she'll get fat after her snip-snip.
But she will still be my adorable little baby!

So this week involves a serious amount of Stay-At-Home time in order to complete all my dratted assignments AND study for my exam on Thursday. GAH.
Plus, if I can, write TWO speeches so that I can record them when I'm back from being in the sun and send them in to my prof. He actually gave us a complete breakdown of how he's grading us though! Fantabulous stuff.

Well, I'm off to stuff myself with ice-cream and get to work.
But my bed does look an awfully lot inviting so I might just, you know. hmmmmmm

you've got me slightly disappointed.
just a bit and just enough, to keep me up another night-
waiting for another day

and I will be okay, i will.
I will be okay, I will.

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